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Pathways Specialty Clinic is a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic.

(832) 585.0005


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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide highest level of patient care, maintaining unparalleled level of standards in a Stigma-Free environment, empowering each Individual to function at their highest levels of emotional and intellectual capacity.

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Lifestyle Interventions

Physical well-being is strongly inter-connected with psychological well-being. Therefore, lifestyle interventions are as important for mental health as medications and psychotherapy.

Pathways Specialty Clinic encourages patients to make lifestyle modifications by engaging in regular physical activity, good sleep hygiene, Healthy dietary habits, consistent socialization, and engaging in social activities.

Welcome to Pathways Specialty Clinic

Pathways Specialty Clinic is a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic dedicated to provide outstanding Psychiatric services to Adults and Children with Mental Illnesses. We serve consumers from The Woodlands, North Houston, Spring, Tomball, Shenandoah, & Conroe areas and Telepsychiatry services provided to both adults and children all across the State of Texas.

Our staff is specialized in delivering highly effective individualized care for patients with Mental Illnesses.

Pathways specialty clinic serves patients from age 3 to 65 years old.

Specialized treatment plans are tailored for each patient’s individual needs. The clinic offers comprehensive psychiatric assessments & medication Management services ensuring appropriate treatments for each individual.

Telepsychiatry services offered for both Adults and Children
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Treatment Model

Comprehensive Psychiatric assessment will be performed exploring Biological (such as Genetic predispositions, comorbid medical illnesses), Psychological (such as maladaptive thinking, defenses, problematic behaviors, interpersonal conflicts) and Social (such as stressful life circumstances, losses) aspects of mental illnesses, which facilitates deriving specific psychiatric Diagnoses. Individualized treatment plans will be formulated based on treatment goals & requirements.

Primary role of the provider at the Pathways Specialty Clinic is the Pharmacological Management of psychiatric conditions. Supportive psychotherapy may be offered with medication management.

It is not uncommon for patients to undergo several trials of different psychiatric medication before they find the regimen that works for them and that they tolerate. Pharmacogenomic testing may be offered to facilitate medication selection and to minimize number of medication trials, as necessary.

Laboratory tests will be performed to detect underling medical conditions or substance abuse contributing to mental illness as well as to monitor medication side effects.

Pathways Specialty Clinic does not offer psychotherapy at this time. For Psychotherapy & other essential mental health services such as psychological testing, Chemical dependence treatment, etc, consumers will be referred to specialists in the community.


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